Shoulder Pain

It is a common belief that if you are not in pain, there is nothing wrong with you. This can be far from the truth, and you would be amazed what you will become used to and perceive as being normal. Pain is actually the last symptom to appear & the first to leave. Therefore, it is not a good indicator of how your spine is functioning. Continuing treatment for a chronic condition may continue to provide benefit and also prevent recurrence of the problem.The shoulder allows the greatest range of motion of any joint in the body. This is due to the four tendons which stabilise the upper arm bone in the shoulder socket. However, this great range of motion tends to make us susceptible to shoulder pain.

Shoulder PainShoulder sprains, strains and dislocations are very common, and are often caused by sports activities that involve excessive overhead motion like swimming, tennis, throwing and weightlifting.

Common symptoms of shoulder pain include aching on the side and upper arm, or aching in the top and front of the shoulder. Treatment of the shoulder usually involves soft tissue release, joint mobilisation, ice-pack treatment, and strengthening exercises as described by Puentedure et.al1.

Shoulder Pain – Injuries

Shoulder injuries need careful attention even to a highly trained professional it is not always easy to determine what the cause of the shoulder pain is. If the shoulder injury is not properly diagnosed, incorrect treatment can be administered, which will affect the recovery of the shoulder.

There are some symptoms to look out for in shoulder injuries. If you experience shoulder pain while…

  • resting
  • pain lasting for more than a few days
  • inability to raise the arm or carry objects
  • swelling or bruising on the joint, or
  • redness and warmth in the area

… you should consult Back to Basics Chiropractic ASAP.

There is always the possibility that the pain felt in the shoulder could be referred pain or spinal damage felt through connecting nerves. A chiropractor can examine all areas to determine where the problem is coming from.

Some of the different types of shoulder injury include:

  • rotator cuff tendonitis – compressed tendons in the shoulder ridge
  • dislocation – separation of the top of the arm bone from the scapula
  • frozen shoulder – leading to joint stiffness
  • bursitis – inflammation of the bursa (a fluid-filled sac between the tendon and bone or skin)
  • rotator cuff tears – separation of the rotator cuff from the bone
  • calcific tendonitis – calcium deposits occurring within the tendon
  • biceps tendon rupture – a rupture of the tendon of the biceps near the shoulder joint

1. J Man ManipTher. 2011 Nov;19(4):201-11. doi: 10.1179/106698111X13129729551985. Clinical presentation and manual therapy for upper quadrant musculoskeletal conditions. Isabel de-la-Llave-Rincón A, Puentedura EJ, Fernández-de-Las-Peñas C.

Shoulder FAQs

In the shoulder, what are common causes of pain?

Pain can result from injuries, overuse, or conditions like arthritis, bursitis, and tendonitis.

How can a chiropractor help with this sort of pain?

Chiropractors can diagnose the cause, provide adjustments, and recommend exercises to relieve pain and improve function.

When should I see a chiropractor?

Visit a chiropractor if you experience persistent pain, restricted movement, or pain that interferes with daily activities.

What treatments do chiropractors use for pains in the shoulder?

Treatments may include spinal adjustments, joint manipulation, soft tissue therapy, and personalised exercise programs.

How long does it take to see improvement with chiropractic care?

Many patients experience relief within a few sessions, but the duration varies depending on the condition and its severity.

Are there any side effects of chiropractic treatment for shoulder pain?

Most patients experience no side effects. Some may have mild soreness, similar to post-exercise muscle soreness.

Can chiropractic care help with shoulder pain from sports injuries?

Yes, chiropractic care is effective in treating sports injuries, reducing pain, and aiding in recovery.

Is chiropractic care safe for older adults with shoulder pain?

Yes, chiropractors tailor treatments to suit the needs of older adults, ensuring safety and effectiveness.

What should I do between chiropractic sessions to manage shoulder pain?

Follow the recommended exercises, maintain good posture, apply ice or heat as advised, and avoid activities that strain the shoulder.

What Do I Wear to a Chiropractic Consultation For My Shoulder?

Ideally, the best clothes to wear are those that are comfortable and have some stretch, such as a t-shirt with leggings or track pants or shorts. However, we also understand that many of our patients are coming from work or are on their way to work. As such, our chiropractors are used to treating patients wearing work attire and will adjust the treatment accordingly.

Why Should I Continue Treatment If The Pain Is Gone?

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