Sciatica, what is it?

Sciatica, What is it?

Sciatica is a sensation of consistent pain that refers from the buttocks down through one or both legs. This pain is often aggravated when seated and can feel like a tingling or burning sensation. It can also generate numbness and weakness. In some cases, it can even create pain when trying to move your legs.sciatica

The sciatic nerves consists of five sets of nerves that exit the spine, through your lower back. The smaller of the nerves branch out toward our glutes, knees, calves, ankles and feet.

There are many possible triggers that can lead to a compression of the sciatic nerves. Some triggers of sciatica may include; disc damage, sitting for too long, standing for a long period of time, pregnancy, potential spinal misalignment or being in an unsuitable stance or position for an extended duration of time. These are just some of the many possible triggers.

Our Chiropractors are trained to assess and identify the underlying cause of your sciatica and are able to help you navigate treatment options that best suit you. We are highly dedicated to the health of our patients.

We’ve seen Sciatica experienced in a variety of sensations. Pain can feel like achy, pins and needles running down the leg or can potentially feel like a burning, numbness or muscle fatigue. The intensity and occurrence of pain is different for every individual. Sometimes lasting for a few hours, days or even weeks.

Here at Back to Basics Chiropractic we understand your pain and frustration with this condition. Which is why we recommend seeing one of our practitioners to explore different treatment options.  Bookings can be made over the phone or through our online booking option.

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