back pain

Lower Back Pain Relief – Rest may not be the answer

Have you ever been told to “just rest” while you are in need of some lower back pain relief? Rest may not be the answer to fixing your back pain in the short or long term. When you initially hurt your back and you are in acute pain and can barely move. At this stage, …

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How do I know if I have arthritis & what can I do about treatment?

Do you find yourself asking “How do I know if I have arthritis?”, and you want to know what to do about treatment if you do? Arthritis affects all of the joints of your body and there are many forms of arthritis. How Do I Know If I Have Arthritis? To determine if you have …

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Why does my back hurt sitting at my desk?

We often get asked why does my back hurt while sitting at my desk? Sitting in an office chair or any chair for extended periods may lead to adverse effects on your lower back, neck, shoulders or may even aggravate a preexisting back issue. The reason is that sitting down for a long period of …

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How can I relieve my neck pain?

Do you wake up with neck pain? Can simple movements like turning your head cause you pain? In most cases a sore neck could be caused by your sleeping position, your pillow or other sleep issues. Consider your sleep position Sleeping at an awkward angle for a long period of time can stretch or stress …

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ICE VS HEAT: What is better for an injury or pain?

ICE VS HEAT What is better for an injury or pain?   Ice packs and heat pads are one of the common treatments used by Chiropractors. But we often have patients using the wrong treatment for their injury or pain. It can often be confusing if you should use ice or heat. We will be …

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How core exercises can improve lower back pain?

How can core exercises be beneficial in lower back pain? A chiropractor answers your questions!  There are many causes of lower back pain including overuse, muscle strain, and/or injuries to the muscles, ligaments, and discs that support the spine. If you suffer from lower back pain, you may have heard that core exercises can bring …

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Chiropractic Fun Facts – Better Understanding Chiropractic Care

We’ve curated a list of Chiropractic Fun Facts to help you better understand Chiropractic Care and what a Chiropractor can do for you. Some of these facts even surprised us! Check out the List of 13 fun facts below: 1. The term “chiropractic” is a combination of two Grecian words: Cheir which means hand, and Praktos …

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8 Total Body Stretches To Do At Home

Stretches have great benefits on the body such as improving your mobility, reducing your risk of injury, improving your flexibility and overall, enables your muscles to move effectively. Stretching is so important that it would be beneficial to include it into your everyday life by regularly taking time out to do a quick stretching routine. …

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Proper Ergonomics When Working From Home

As most of us begin to work from home, we’ll have to start getting used to our new routine and that means, paying more attention to proper ergonomics and how we interact with our home workspace. As home is a place of flexibility and comfort, you might become acclimatised to your home environment and notice …

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Text Neck: Is Your Phone Effecting Your Neck?

Text Neck is a term used to describe neck pain as a cause of looking down at your phone, tablet and other handheld devices frequently for long periods of time. Of course, the ‘bending of the neck’ posture to look down hasn’t just occurred in recent years with the rise of handheld devices, but the …

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Prolonged Sitting: What are the effects of sitting all day?

Many of us are becoming victims to the negative effects of prolonged sitting due to extensive working hours, meeting specific deadlines and increased computer use. The human body was designed to be vigorously active for hunting, gathering and native purposes. However, with the evolution of time and the movement from caves to offices, a large majority …

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5 Minute Easy Exercises to Help with Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain can be a fickle thing that can impact our everyday movements. This is why it’s important to do a few easy exercises to help lower back pain which will strengthen and further help alleviate and prevent back pain. These stretches and exercises can also increase blood flow into the lower back area, …

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Our Advice: Top 4 Ways to Manage Lower Back Pain

Our Advice: Top 4 Ways to Manage Lower Back Pain Have you found yourself in a tricky position after you’ve bent the wrong way lifting your child? Maybe you’re starting to notice a dull pain in your lower back after a run on the soccer field or you have a chronic condition like arthritis. It …

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Sciatica, what is it?

Sciatica, What is it? Sciatica is a sensation of consistent pain that refers from the buttocks down through one or both legs. This pain is often aggravated when seated and can feel like a tingling or burning sensation. It can also generate numbness and weakness. In some cases, it can even create pain when trying …

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Warm Up This Winter with a Remedial Massage

As the icy weather of winter starts to settle in, lazing around and staying indoors with a cup of coffee becomes a creature comfort. Whilst others prefer increasing levels of activity through exercise due to it’s ability to help blood flow during the colder months. With dropping temperatures, the body becomes stiff and may cause …

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Is Cleaning A Pain In The… Back?

Do you find that housework can literally be a pain? Daily household activities such as ironing, washing dishes and vacuuming can lead to serious body discomfort and in particular, back pain. We can offer you preventative measures to protect your body from such discomfort, and reducing the probability of pain from household activities. Regardless if …

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