Lower Back Pain Relief – Rest may not be the answer

Have you ever been told to “just rest” while you are in need of some lower back pain relief? Rest may not be the answer to fixing your back pain in the short or long term. When you initially hurt your back and you are in acute pain and can barely move. At this stage, …

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How do I know if I have arthritis & what can I do about treatment?

Do you find yourself asking “How do I know if I have arthritis?”, and you want to know what to do about treatment if you do? Arthritis affects all of the joints of your body and there are many forms of arthritis. How Do I Know If I Have Arthritis? To determine if you have …

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What are the Core Muscles?

We often get asked what are my core muscles? When you’re thinking of the muscles of your core, think ‘spine’. The major muscles of the core reside in the area of the belly and the mid-lower back, including the hips and even muscles that run up into your neck and shoulders. To help you better …

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Why does my back hurt sitting at my desk?

We often get asked why does my back hurt while sitting at my desk? Sitting in an office chair or any chair for extended periods may lead to adverse effects on your lower back, neck, shoulders or may even aggravate a preexisting back issue. The reason is that sitting down for a long period of …

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January 2015 Patient Newsletter

Thank you for reading the Back to Basics Patient Newsletter January 2015 . This month we cover: Heat or Ice: Which to choose? Using heat or ice when you become injured is a cost effective ways of reducing pain and assisting in the healing process. However, there is often a lot of confusion around when …

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What is Chiropractic?

Chiropractic is one of the fastest growing health professions, but many people still don’t understand exactly what a Chiropractor does. It is a common misconception that Chiropractors are ‘back doctors’ and only treat the spine. So exactly what is Chiropractic? Put simply, Chiropractors study the musculoskeletal and nervous systems and how to improve their function.  …

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