
Why does my back hurt sitting at my desk?

We often get asked why does my back hurt while sitting at my desk? Sitting in an office chair or any chair for extended periods may lead to adverse effects on your lower back, neck, shoulders or may even aggravate a preexisting back issue. The reason is that sitting down for a long period of …

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ACA Working From Home With Proper Posture (Video)

As we adjust to the unfolding impacts of COVID-19, many of us Australians have suddenly found ourselves working from home indefinitely. This significant change will impact work schedules, work space and places more emphasis on workers using technology more frequently and on many diverse platforms. The Australian Chiropractors Association understand how these new changes can …

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What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) occurs when the median nerve, which runs from the forearm into the palm of the hand becomes pressed or squeezed at the wrist. The median nerve provides feeling to the palm side of the thumb, to the index, middle and part of the ring fingers. It …

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Regular Neck Stretch Exercises

Regular neck stretch exercises will become a lifesaver over the next few months when you’re working from home. Sitting all day can increase risks for back pain, neck strains, poor posture, leg cramps, muscle tension & even boredom. You may feel these aches and pains sporadically throughout the day when working at a desk, and …

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Text Neck: Is Your Phone Effecting Your Neck?

Text Neck is a term used to describe neck pain as a cause of looking down at your phone, tablet and other handheld devices frequently for long periods of time. Of course, the ‘bending of the neck’ posture to look down hasn’t just occurred in recent years with the rise of handheld devices, but the …

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TMJ Pain: Why See a Chiropractor for Jaw Pain?

TMJ Pain. Oh boy, if you know, you know, but if you’re lucky to not have suffered from it, do you know what it is? Some say TMJ pain is a pain in the jaw that can cause a clicking movements when you open and close your mouth widely, but what actually is the TMJ? …

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Prolonged Sitting: What are the effects of sitting all day?

Many of us are becoming victims to the negative effects of prolonged sitting due to extensive working hours, meeting specific deadlines and increased computer use. The human body was designed to be vigorously active for hunting, gathering and native purposes. However, with the evolution of time and the movement from caves to offices, a large majority …

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Chronic Back Pain- Here’s what you need to know…

As chiropractors, here at Back to Basics Chiropractic we see many conditions come through our door, one of the most common is chronic back pain. Our spines are remarkable, assisting in supporting the body and maintaining structure to it. Which is why it is so important to protect and look after this area.  If pain …

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Is Cleaning A Pain In The… Back?

Do you find that housework can literally be a pain? Daily household activities such as ironing, washing dishes and vacuuming can lead to serious body discomfort and in particular, back pain. We can offer you preventative measures to protect your body from such discomfort, and reducing the probability of pain from household activities. Regardless if …

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