Neck Pain

Do I Have a Pinched Nerve?

Do I Have a Pinched Nerve? Nerves are responsible for sending signals throughout your body. Your body has three types of nerves – sensory nerves (nerves relaying information to the brain so you can feel, smell, and see), motor nerves (nerves controlling your movements and actions), and autonomic nerves (nerves controlling involuntary/partially voluntary body activities, …

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5 Easy Desk Stretches!

5 Easy Desk Stretches!

5 Easy Desk Stretches! In honour of Workspace Week, we’ve gathered some tips and tricks to enhance your chiropractic health at your workplace! According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, approximately 7 million Australians suffer from work-related musculoskeletal conditions. This can be caused by various factors, including non-ergonomic workspaces, poor posture, and mental …

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What the Crack Noise Really Is

Crack Noise

What the Crack Noise Really Is Crack, crack, crack! It’s the distinctive sound of chiropractic treatment. Although people find it to be a euphoric release from persistent, unrelenting discomfort, many people actually fear the ‘crack,’ thinking it is painful.  We are here to clarify the ‘crack’ you feel in an adjustment is nothing to be …

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How can I relieve my neck pain?

Do you wake up with neck pain? Can simple movements like turning your head cause you pain? In most cases a sore neck could be caused by your sleeping position, your pillow or other sleep issues. Consider your sleep position Sleeping at an awkward angle for a long period of time can stretch or stress …

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Cracking your back! Is it actually good for you?

It is very common to crack your back, neck, fingers, toes, and knuckles. But why do we do it? There are many people who crack themselves to relieve tightness and others do it out of habit. But is it beneficial? Cracking your joints can give you temporary relief however doing it frequently, incorrectly, or too …

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My Child Is Complaining of Headaches. What Should I Do?

Your child has been complaining of headaches and it’s been going on for a while. Headaches can be a a symptom of pain in the area of the head or neck and are common in children and adolescents. There are many reasons as to why your kid is suffering from headaches. Some reasons include; colds, …

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Regular Neck Stretch Exercises

Regular neck stretch exercises will become a lifesaver over the next few months when you’re working from home. Sitting all day can increase risks for back pain, neck strains, poor posture, leg cramps, muscle tension & even boredom. You may feel these aches and pains sporadically throughout the day when working at a desk, and …

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Text Neck: Is Your Phone Effecting Your Neck?

Text Neck is a term used to describe neck pain as a cause of looking down at your phone, tablet and other handheld devices frequently for long periods of time. Of course, the ‘bending of the neck’ posture to look down hasn’t just occurred in recent years with the rise of handheld devices, but the …

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Spring Cleaning Pain- Watch out!!

Spring cleaning is always great to start fresh and give you the intensive you need to clean. However, it does have the ability to lead to strains, aches and pains on the body. Spring cleaning pain is one thing that can easily be avoided.  Here at Back to Basics Chiropractic we see so many patients coming …

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Tension Headaches and Chiropractic

Tension headaches are one of the leading types of headaches. We are still unsure of a direct cause for this particular headache. However, there are some factors that we have seen to contribute to this condition.  Some of which include; poor sleep, sinus problems, stress, dehydration, and poor posture. We understand how symptoms of tension …

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Warm Up This Winter with a Remedial Massage

As the icy weather of winter starts to settle in, lazing around and staying indoors with a cup of coffee becomes a creature comfort. Whilst others prefer increasing levels of activity through exercise due to it’s ability to help blood flow during the colder months. With dropping temperatures, the body becomes stiff and may cause …

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Text Neck-Have you got it?

Text Neck is a contemporary term for the classic health condition of Forward Head Posture. This develops due to too much time spent holding the head in a forward position relative to the shoulders. Over recent years texting has developed a negative stigma for driver distraction. However a less known side-effect of constant texting and …

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